EGWs6uuBZ3pp-zGuVVdmeLgkJG4 Across the Avenue: Recipe: Sweet Potato Hash Browns for Two! #SweetPotatoIdeas

Recipe: Sweet Potato Hash Browns for Two! #SweetPotatoIdeas

Try a fun and creative way to make sweet potatoes for breakfast, lunch or dinner! These sweet potato hash browns are a big favorite in our family.


  • 1 medium sized sweet potato
  • 1/8 cup of sweet white onions
  • 1 garlic clove, minced
  • 1/4 cup of flour
  • 1 tsp of salt
  • 1/2 tsp of black pepper
  • brown sugar (optional)
  • oil 
1. Peel sweet potato and shred using grater or food processor with grating blade
2. Rinse shredded sweet potato and and pat dry. Place in a medium-sized bowl.
3. Add onion, garlic, and flour to sweet potatoes in bowl and mix well.
4. Heat skillet on medium heat and place oil in for cooking.
5. Once heated, place a 1/4 cup scoop of shredded sweet potato mix in the skillet and pat flat for shape. 
6. Fry on each side for 2-3 minutes, or until slightly golden and crisp. 
7. Remove from pan and add a pinch of salt (or brown sugar) to sweet potato hash brown as a finishing touch. 
8. Repeat with shredded sweet potato mixture until gone.


  1. I love this recipe! Much better with sweet potatoes than regular potatoes.

  2. Ooh, good one! My husband is going to love these and they seem super easy.
